
Engr. Chibuzo Onyenali
The Group Chairman shall:
- Encourage the members of the association to make reasonable flat rate contributions and/or to source for additional free will contributions from willing members of the Association towards executing projects/goals of the association.
- Preside at all General and Executive meetings of the Association
- Ensure the proper conduct of meetings in accordance with the Constitution and established practices relating to meetings.
- Direct the Publicity Secretary to summon meetings of the Executive Committee, General and emergency general meetings of the Association as may be necessary from time to time.
- Ensure that he has an up to date records of the total number of members
- Co-ordinate the exercise of the duties and functions of other officers of the Association and supervise, co-ordinate and harmonize effectively all activities of the Association.
- Present a written report of activities of the Association for the preceding year at the first general meeting of each New Year.
- Be the official spokesman of the Association and shall in the exercise of this function abide by the provisions of the Constitution and policies of the Association.
- Perform such other functions as may be in the interest of the Association and to take decisions on behalf of the Association in line with the aims and objectives of Section 2 of the constitution and in cases of emergency where it is not possible to convene a meeting of the Executive Committee, provided he seeks ratification at the next Executive Committee meeting.
- Have powers to implement disciplinary measures in accordance with the bye-laws to any member who misbehaves at meetings and functions of the Association.
- In the absence of the Group Chairman during a general meeting or other functions of the association, at his discretion, his powers should be delegated to any of the executive members present.