Financial Secretary/Treasurer

Engr. Martin Ashiedu
The office of the Financial Secretary/Treasurer shall HAVE His duties as follows;
- Receive and collect all monies due to the association by way of annual dues/subscriptions, levies, fines, donation etc. and issue appropriate receipts
- Keep proper records of all monies collected on behalf of the Association and of all books and records of the Association.
- Present a comprehensive statement of account at the first general meeting of every financial year.
- Make available on request by any of the executive committee/financial Members, the financial balance of the Association’s account and Trust Fund Accounts
- Prepare the annual accounts (financial reports) of the Association.
- Keep in his custody the bank tellers, cheque books and all other documents relating to the Association’s Bank account and maintain an accurate and up-to-date statement of all monies received or paid out by him and the authority for such payment.
- Make available on request by any of the executive committee/financial Members, the financial balance of the Association’s account and Trust Fund Accounts.